Shae Williams
Certified Health & Life Coach niching in Habit & Behaviour Change, Root-Cause-Trauma-Informed Coach, Addiction Recovery Coach, Wife, Mum, Adventure Freak Who Loves Living Life To The Full
My Story
My passion is to see you become ALL you were created to be. I am a heart-centered coach, an energized cheerleader to you and a trustworthy confidante. As a master of habit and behavior change,
I journey alongside you without making you feel small. Through the power of curiosity and love, I will journey with you to places most aren’t willing to, because I know it will help set you free. By slowing down to the speed of life, my authentic will help you find YOUR authentic too, one small step at a
time. I will hold space for you to become the healthiest version of who you are meant to be - powerful, courageous, strong, priceless!...
“First for me, then for others” is a truth I hold dearly to. My journey to healing, wholeness and freedom started at the young age of 13 where, out of years of deep trauma and pain, I began to numb with a variety of legal and illegal addictive substances. Later in my early twenties, my story nearly ended tragically as I hit rock bottom. I had a choice to make: live, heal, and help others do the same, or allow the unthinkable to happen. My life is none short of a miracle now. Since 2005, I've had the humbling privilege of coaching and leading hundreds into freedom and health. I’ve sat with my arms around the homeless, hearing their stories of heartbreak and, equally, I've sat alongside dignitaries in Michelin star restaurants as they share their struggles and pain too. In all this, I've witnessed one simple truth: EVERY human being is unique, precious, and valuable, and has a unique purpose that only they will
ever fulfil. Each day I gratefully wake with a heart beating passionately to see others set free, living ON purpose WITH purpose, and impacting the world with their unique imprint…